WELL Health-Safety Rated -International WELL Building Institute
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2022 • DowntownDC Business Improvement District’s 2022 Sustainability Award
The BID’s annual Momentum Awards recognize outstanding individual and organizational achievements and contributions made to DowntownDC. This award is for the exceptional strides and accomplishments in sustainability at 1101 New York Avenue, including our LEED Platinum recertification and Fitwel certification as well as our solar panels which generate energy credits for low-income DC residents.
2023 • Best Marketing Program at the 2023 NAIOP Awards of Excellence Gala
2022 • LEED Platinum
1101 New York Ave’s LEED Platinum Operations and Maintenance recertifications identify them as showcase examples of sustainability and demonstrate Oxford’s commitment to be a leader in the development and operation of energy efficient, low-carbon buildings.
2022 • Fitwel Certification
The Fitwel certification recognizes Oxford’s success in promoting health within real estate. 1101 New York Avenue incorporate a number of evidence-based design and operations strategies that support the physical, mental, and social health of occupants.